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Parents and Guardians

Answering some common questions about parents and guardians.

Justin avatar
Written by Justin
Updated over 9 months ago

Who should you put as a parent or guardian?

Everyone who is a legal guardian for the student applying will be listed here, whether they are from the same household or not.

What do you mean by legal first and last name?

When completing your Clarity application all names should match your IRS tax form.

If you are international and do not file a US IRS tax form, please use the legal name you are required to use for your tax documentation in the country you reside in.

What does primary phone number mean?

This means the phone number you would prefer to be your main point of contact should the school need to contact you about your application.

What is a household and who is the head of it?
When filling out Clarity, a household includes a home including a head-of-household, their taxable dependents, and a spouse if there is one. The head-of-household is a person who pays taxes, pays for more than 50% of the household expenses, and has at least 1 dependent that they claim taxes on.

What should I do if I am divorced?

If there is any other adult living in your household that helps to care for any of the children listed on your application (whether a spouse or not), they are counted as a guardian and are listed under your household as such.

All living biological parents are required to fill out a Clarity application, even if they are in a separate household. If they live in the same household, you will list them under yours. If you are divorced or separated from your child’s biological parent and they live elsewhere, you will have a chance to list them as a separate household later in the application and they will have to fill out a second application for their own household.

If I am re-married, does my spouse count as a second guardian if the students listed on the application are not their biological children?

Yes, if you are re-married, your spouse must be listed as a second guardian on the application regardless of their relationship to the student applicants.

Who counts as a second parent or guardian?

Any other adult living in your household that helps to care for any of the children listed on your application counts as a secondary guardian. Including but not limited to boyfriend, girlfriend, domestic partners, spouses, significant others, etc.

I am remarried. Should my child’s step-parent be listed as a secondary guardian?


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