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Addressing the living situation

Common questions about the address of you and your dependents.

Justin avatar
Written by Justin
Updated over 2 months ago

Where do you live? This seems like a simple question, but when dealing with taxes and finances it can feel much more confusing. Let's start with the basics.

What counts as my primary residence?

Your residence is the place you stay at for more than 50% of the year.

What if stayed in more than one place last year?

If you split your time between multiple homes, your primary residence would be the place you spend more than 50% of the time. It should be the same as the primary residence you listed on your 2023 1040 federal tax return.

Where do I provide my additional “primary residence” if I have more than one?

If you own the additional residence, you will be prompted in the real estate section to add the additional address.

If you do not own the additional residence, you would disclose this information in the Other Considerations section of your application. You will want to include the address and any rental costs you incur with this residence along with the purpose of the additional primary residence.

What is a postal code?

It is usually a numerical code defined as the Zip Code in the United States. If you are international, your postal code may contain alpha characters

What if I am in the process of moving or have moved since I filed taxes?

Please list the address that you are currently living at as your current address. If your current address is NOT the one that was used on your 2023 1040, it is important to make sure:

  1. Your “current address” is the place you live now

  2. Your “previous address” is your previous home (and the home listed on the 1040 federal tax return before moving).

What if I have more than one previous address that I have lived at in the past two years?

In order to verify your 2023 income, we must verify the address that you used on your 2023 1040 filed with the IRS. If this address is not listed as your current address, please make sure to list it as your previous address.

What if I am applying from outside the United States?

Please list your address, regardless of which country it is in. If you did not file US taxes in 2023, you can indicate this on section 1 in the "Guardians" page under 2023 tax filing status as "did not file US taxes" and indicate "no" to if you did not receive a W2 for 2023.

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